Types of ads

Check the different types of ads that AiYellow offers you. The difference between the ads is based on the way in which search results are displayed. On top, you will see the list of Gold ads , and then, a list of all ads according to the ranking position each of them has.


"Your gateway to Internet advertising."
The Ranking Position: 1
Permanence: 1 Year

Bath 1250,00 + VAT


"Low-cost, far reaching advertising."
The Ranking Position: 10
Permanence: 1 Year

Bath 8150,00 + VAT


"Sophisticated and effective. 
Make the difference."
The Ranking Position: 50
Permanence: 5 Years

Bath 39550,00 + VAT
Amounts valid for: Thailand

More tools to your ad.


Add to your ad

The Ranking Position: 1

Permanence: Accompanies the validity of Ad.

Bath 1250,00 + VAT


Add to your ad

1 Voip Call Button.

Permanence: During the validity of the Ad

Bath 385 + VAT
